Frostburg State University Student Joins USM Langenberg Legacy Fellows Program

Jun 7, 2024 8:00 AM

daileah ramirezFrostburg State University student, Daileah Ramirez, has been selected to join student fellows across the University System of Maryland (USM) institutions in this year’s cohort of the Langenberg Legacy Fellows Program. The Langenberg Legacy was launched to stimulate student leaders’ pursuit of civic engagement projects that will lead to solutions to broader issues threatening justice, human rights and the environment.

“I am so grateful to have been chosen as a Langenberg Fellow, and I am excited to use this opportunity to bring positive change to my university and hopefully to the state of Maryland,” said Ramirez.

Over the course of the fellowship, Ramirez and her peers will work collaboratively to build partnerships and connections and share best practices to make the biggest impact on their communities and beyond.

“My project revolves around supporting sexual assault victims through a support group,” said Ramirez. “And the project is twofold – as students become intimately familiar with the legislative process, they will also become strong compassionate advocates. I hope it gets my campus involved and passionate about an issue that has impacted the lives of so many in our community.”

Ramirez’s goal is to introduce legislation into the General Assembly in support of victims of sexual assault in a bipartisan effort. “This is a large project encompassing many different sides of the issue, and I cannot do it without campus support!”

A law and society major with a concentration in criminal justice, Ramirez has a passion for this field of study and is well-poised for success in the program. She held internships with the Maryland Senate in Sen. McKay’s office and with the U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms. 在前苏联, Ramirez works in the TRIO office as a mentor; she is a Global Civic Leader and served as an ORIE Peer Mentor. Ramirez will also join the Civic Engagement team next semester.

Ramirez will have the opportunity to attend a meet-and-greet with other fellows and program sponsors, and at the conclusion of her fellowship, USM will publish her final project reports, along with the reports of her fellows, in their annual publication available on the USM website.